The Secret Of Being Happy

In life, you can look at other people who are smiling, full of life and you do wonder “What’s the secret of being happy?” At certain times in our lives, we will feel that the world is too much to bear. The problems surrounding health, money, or relationships can seem to be overwhelming.

Looking back, I found that the period when I was most happy, was when I really liked and loved myself.


In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself. .............Unknown

In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself……….Unknown

Probably, another way of saying this is that I accepted myself, with all my imperfections. I also discovered a very important lesson in life is that people will in general, will like and love you as much as you did yourself.

We all have regrets, but it does no good to live in the past and blame circumstances and people for our own problems.

A Vital Lesson:

A lesson that I had forgotten for a long time,  is that you are one hundred percent responsible for your life. What gives you the right to say that life or other people owe you.

lthe secret of being happy

The successful people in life recognize this fact, because it brings back to them, control. They also have goals that give them a direction and a purpose in their life. Failure is a necessary component on the path to success.

Read the autobiographies of successful people and you will discover this important fact. Also, be grateful for what you have got. It’s an old and well-worn cliche, but there are so many people worse off than you.

Try not to focus on past mistakes and failures and also worry about things that haven’t happened yet. It is recognized that people who are happy living in the now.

In life, you will find that those relationships and people give you the most happiness. So try and cherish your family and those close to you.

Focus on your own dreams and goals and enjoy the achievements along the path, no matter how small they may be. However, don’t compare yourself with others. It only generates unhappiness.

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior... ............. Henry C. Link

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior……………. Henry C. Link

Henry C. Link:  He was an astronomer and writer, who was born in London.   He obtained a B.Sc. in astronomy and mathematics from the University of London. He became the first Scientific Director of the London Planetarium.


Lastly, try and develop a positive attitude towards life, because in most cases people who are happy will have this attitude towards life.

You will find you are less stressed, people want to be around you and life just feels better. Good luck with the path you’re traveling and the dreams that you pursuing.  We sincerely hope that the above information has been of help.


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