50 Best Inspirational Quotes For Life

We do hope that these best inspirational quotes for life, in video and picture formats, will motivate and inspire you. Please don’t give up on your goals and dreams, even though they might seem impossible. We are living in unprecedented times, and the world seems such a scary place.

We love motivational quotes because they remind us not to give up on ourselves or life. So please enjoy these doses and nuggets of wisdom. Some are well-known classics from great people who have made their mark in life.

Please click on the videos below and then read the best inspirational quotes for life in picture format. We sincerely hope that they are of help to you especially if you are going through a rough time.

Best Inspirational Video Quotes For Life:


Best Inspirational Quotes For Life (Music Only)


Best Inspirational Picture Quotes For Life:

best inspirational quotes for life

1).    The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…….Lao Tzu

Lao-Tzu: – Lao Tzu (6th century BC) is believed to have been a Chinese philosopher and the reputed author of the “Tao te Ching,” the principal text of Taoist thought. He is considered the father of Chinese Taoism.


top inspirational quotes

2).    If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You….. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs – He was the co-founder, CEO, and chairman of Apple Inc. He has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of computers, bringing revolutionary products such as the Apple laptop, iPad, and iPhone. He was also chairman of the film company called Pixar, which was bought over by Disney.


best inspirational quotes for life

3).  Change your thoughts and you change your world…Norman Vincent Peale

Norman Vincent Peale: – He was a religious leader, who was born in Bowersville, Ohio. He developed a blend of psychotherapy and was best known for his popular book The Power of Positive Thinking and other writings.


best inspirational quotes for life

4).  Go the extra mile, there’s no one on it…….Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone:  He is an American author and motivational speaker, who was born in Lake Charles, USA. He is the host of the radio show  The Cardone Zone, plus a New York Times best-selling author.


top inspirational quotes

5).  If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough……Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey  – who rose from nothing, to become the richest African American woman of the 20th century. She is now one of the most powerful women in the world, a millionaire in her thirties, a great philanthropist, but it must be remembered that she started out with nothing.


top inspirational quotes

6).  Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world…….Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela: – He was South Africa’s first black head of state who was born in Mvezo, Cape Province, South Africa. He was the first elected in a fully representative democratic election and served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1994. He was also an activist for peace and a philanthropist.


inspirational quotes

7).  When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on……   Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt: He was the 32nd president of the United States, who was born in Hyde Park, New York. He was a member of the Democratic Party and served as president from 1933 until his death in 1945. He won a record four presidential elections and became a leading figure in world affairs, which included World War II and the Great Depression.


brain tracy quote

8). Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other……. Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy: He is one of the world’s leading authorities on personal and business success, who was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He started his life with nothing and at one time had to sleep in his car to get by. Brian has helped millions of people in both their business and personal lives.


inspirational quotes

9).  Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me……. Carol Burnett

Carol Burnett:: –  She is a comedienne, actress, and singer who was born in San Antonio, Texas. She had her own show on CBS called The Carol Burnett Show, which ran for over 10 years.


top inspirational quotes - “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.

10). You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it………Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou:  She was a writer, poet, and civil rights activist, who was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.  Best known for her autobiography Caged Bird Sings which brought her name to the world. In addition, she has received numerous awards and over 50 honorary degrees.


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best inspirational quotes

11).    What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you…..Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson: – A founder of the Transcendental movement, who was born in Boston, Massachusetts.   He was considered one of the most influential literary figures of the nineteenth century.


12).  Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall…….Confucius

Confucius:  He was a Chinese teacher, editor, and philosopher in the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. He is also credited with having edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics.


inspirational quotes

13).  With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts………Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt: – She was born in 1884 in Manhattan, New York City, and is recorded as being First Lady to have served the longest period in the USA with her husband Franklin D Roosevelt.

She was always a champion of the underdog, especially when it came to human rights such as racial. She commanded such deep respect and admiration for her work and support for organizations such as the United Nations.


14).  Learn to be happy with what you have, while you pursue all that you want…….Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn:  He was a philosopher, motivational counselor, and best-selling author, who was born in Yakima, Washington. He was recognized as one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time.


inspirational quote

15).  One Of The Lessons That I Grew Up With Was To Always Stay True To Yourself And Never Let What Somebody Else Says Distract You From Your Goals……. Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama: She is an American lawyer and writer who was born in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Best known for being the first African American First Lady of the United States. Married to Barack Obama, who was the 44th President of the United States.


inspirational quotes from successful people

16). The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What You Do. If You Haven’t Found It Yet, Keep Looking. Don’t Settle…….. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs – He was the co-founder, CEO, and chairman of Apple Inc. He has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of computers, bringing revolutionary products such as the Apple laptop, iPad, and iPhone. He was also chairman of the film company called Pixar, which was bought over by Disney.


17).  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined……Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau:   He was an American poet, and philosopher, who was born in Concord, Massachusetts. He was a leading transcendentalist and was best known for his book called Walden, and his essay called Civil Disobedience.


best inspirational quotes for life

18).   Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”………. Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn: She was an actress and humanitarian, who was born in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium. She became a legend on the screen and was also recognized as a fashion icon. She starred in a number of successful films and won various awards for her performance.


top inspirational quotes- walt disney

19).   The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ….. Walt Disney

Walt Disney: He was an American entrepreneur, animator and film producer, who was born in Chicago, Illinois. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he holds the record for most Academy Awards.


Christopher Reeve quote

20).  Once you choose hope, anything’s possible…….Christopher Reeve.

Christopher Reeve: He was an American actor, who was born in New York City, New York. He was best known for playing the DC comic book superhero Superman, for which he won a BAFTA Award.


More  Top Inspirational Quotes:

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default...... JK Rowling

21).   It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default…… JK  Rowling.

JK  Rowling:  She was born in Yate, in Gloucestershire, England, and is a novelist, television producer, screenwriter, and a great philanthropist, who is best known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy series.

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inspirational quotes- Success is not final, failure is not fatal_ it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

22).  Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm……. Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill:  He was a British politician and writer, who was born in 1874 in Blenheim, Oxfordshire, England. He was the British Prime Minister during World War II and was famous for his leadership during this significant period. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature.


nelson mandela quote

23).  The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall……Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela.  – He was South Africa’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election and served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was also an activist for peace and a philanthropist.


inspirational quotes - oprah winfrey

24).      We are each responsible for our own life, no other person can be……… Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey  – who rose from nothing, to become the richest African American woman of the 20th century. She is now one of the most powerful women in the world, a millionaire in her thirties, a great philanthropist, but it must be remembered that she started out with nothing.


best inspirational quotes

25).      Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. …….  Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs – He was the co-founder, CEO, and chairman of Apple Inc. He has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of computers, bringing revolutionary products such as the Apple laptop, iPad, and iPhone. He was also chairman of the film company called Pixar, which was bought over by Disney.


mark twain quote

26).    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did ……Mark Twain.

Mark Twain: This was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens who was born in Florida, Missouri. He is best remembered for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer He was the friend of presidents and is one of the best-known authors in the United States.


27).    Don’t wait. The time will never be just right…….Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill: – He was an American self-help author, who was born in Pound, Virginia. He is considered to have influenced more people into success than any other person in history and is best known for his classic book “Think and Grow Rich “


No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying........Tony Robbins

28).   No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying……..Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins: He is a famous American life coach, author, and philanthropist, who was born in North Hollywood, California. Best known for his seminars, and self-help books including the popular ” Unlimited Power”.


Vince Lombardi inspirational quote

29).  It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up……..Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi: -He was one of the most successful football coaches in the history of the game. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and his penchant for winning and doing one’s best left a strong imprint on the game, as well as on players and fans.


best inspirational quotes

30).  Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties………Helen Keller

Helen Keller: She was a deaf-blind woman who became a role model for millions of people. In 1964, Helen was awarded the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award, by President Lyndon Johnson. A year later she was elected to the Women’s Hall of Fame at the New York World’s Fair.

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zig ziglar inspirational quote

31).   Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember: the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you…… Zig Ziglar.

Zig Ziglar: – He was an American author and motivational speaker, who was born in Coffee County, Alabama. He wrote over 30 books. His very first book, called “See You At The Top”, was rejected nearly 40 times before he got it published. He never give up on his dreams.


inspirational quotes from successful people

32). Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself…Bill Gates

Bill Gates: He is an American business magnate, investor, who was born in Seattle, Washington. In 1975 he and Paul Allen founded the Microsoft Corporation, which grew to become the world’s largest PC software company. He is a great philanthropist and humanitarian who is using his vast wealth to do great things.


33).    Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail……..Charles Kettering

Charles Kettering: He was an American inventor and businessman, who was born in Loudonville, Ohio, USA. He was the holder of over 180 patents and head of research for General Motors up to 1947. With his inventions, he revolutionized the heavy equipment and locomotive industries.


Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again..... Richard Branson

 34).  Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again……….. Richard Branson

Richard Branson:  He was born in London, England, and is an English business magnate, an author, and a philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies and started his first business at 16, and went on to found Virgin Airlines and Virgin Music.


jack canfield inspirational quote

35).  For Every Reason It’s Not Possible, There Are Hundreds Of People Who Have Faced The Same Circumstances And Succeeded…….. Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield: He is an American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, who was born in Forth Worth, Texas.   He is best known as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has more than 250 titles and has sold 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages.


36).   Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. ……..Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde: He was an Irish playwright and poet, who was born in Dublin, Ireland. He became one of London’s most popular playwrights of his time. He is best remembered for his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.


Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.......... Christopher Reeve

37).  Once you choose hope, anything’s possible………. Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve: He was an American actor, who was born in New York City, New York. He was best known for playing the DC comic book superhero Superman, for which he won a BAFTA Award.


william shakespeare quote

38).   We know what we are, but know not what we may be……William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare: He was an English poet, playwright, and actor, who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Widely regarded for his writings. His plays have been performed more than any other playwright. Regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.


top inspirational quotes

39).  To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing…….Elbert Hubbard

Elbert Hubbard: He was an American writer, publisher, and philosopher, who was born in Bloomington, Illinois, U.S.A. He founded the Roycroft artisan community in East Auror in, New York. It is now a National Historic Site.


Muhammad Ali quotes

40).  Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong………Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali: He was born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr, in Louisville, Kentucky. He an American professional boxer, activist, and philanthropist. He was recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time.

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The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be..... Oprah Winfrey

41).   The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be….. ……..Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey  – who rose from nothing, to become the richest African American woman of the 20th century. She is now one of the most powerful women in the world, a millionaire in her thirties, a great philanthropist, but it must be remembered that she started out with nothing.


dolly parton inspirational quote

42).   If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one……Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton:  She is an American singer, songwriter, actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian, who was born in Pittman Center, Tennessee, USA. She has risen from a poor background, in a family of 12, to a household name in the country music field. In addition, she has donated more than 1 million books to pre-school children across the United States.


43).  Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you…….Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer: He was an American professional golfer in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He was nicknamed The King and is regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport. He won numerous events on the PGA tours.


44).  If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude…..Maya Angelou.

Maya Angelou: She was an American author, poet, singer, and civil rights activist, who was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She is best known for a series of autobiographies, which brought her fame and international recognition.


best inspirational quotes for life

45). You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream………..C.S. Lewis.

C.S. Lewis: He was a theologian and a writer, who was born in Belfast, N. Ireland. He worked at Oxford and Cambridge universities. He is best known for his non-fiction works such as The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy.


best inspirational quotes - michael jordan quote

46).  I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed……Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan: He was born in Brookland, New York in 1963 and is formerly a famous basketball player. He is now recognized as being one of the greatest players in his sport of all time


inspirational picture quotes- Jim Rohn

47).  When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it. …….. Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn:  He was a philosopher, motivational counselor, and best-selling author, who was born in Yakima, Washington. He was recognized as one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time.


48).    Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward…….Victor Kiam

Victor Kiam: He was an American entrepreneur who was born in New Orleans, USA. He was the spokesman on TV for Victor Kiam and owner of the New England Patriots football team.


49).    If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves…….Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison: He was an American inventor and businessman, who was born in Milan, Ohio. He has been rightly described as the greatest inventor in America. His inventions covered important areas such as communication, electric power, and motion pictures.


Inspirational Quotes For Uncertain Times

50). Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are……….. Bernice Johnson Reagon

Bernice Johnson Reagon: She is a composer, scholar, and social activist, who was born in Dougherty County, Georgia.  Best known as a founding member of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee’s (SNCC) Freedom Singers.


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